Know how to take advantage of lookalike audiences and remarketing lists

 As a marketer, we are always on the lookout for the best opportunities to reach our target customers, but above all to convert them into satisfied buyers.

One of the best ways to reach potential customers is to present our advertising to people who have already shown an interest in our brand.

In addition to bringing the customer further down the conversion funnel and increasing our chances of being part of their evoked set, lookalike audiences and remarketing lists are gold mines of business opportunities.

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Why You Should Thank Google Ads

There are many reasons to say thank you to Google, but in the retail industry, the most important is this: it puts us in direct contact with hundreds of thousands of consumers around the world.

Although this aspect is extraordinary, our beloved search engine does not stop there: it even performs customer segmentation for us!

What more? Lists of users with points in common with your current customers? Lookalike audiences are exactly that.

If you don't already have a Google Ads account, our first tip would be to create one right away and optimize your PPC campaigns from the get-go.

If you were already using PPC campaigns as a marketing strategy, we recommend that you add a remarketing campaign to your already established campaigns instead.

Why lookalike audiences are useful in marketing

As we mentioned earlier, lookalike audiences and remarketing lists serve several different purposes.

First, they give you a clue about a user's level of interest in your products and services. This lets you know that a prospect is somehow “pre-qualified”.

Second, lookalike audiences greatly facilitate the process of selecting potential customers to join since they are built automatically.

Ultimately, these lists allow you to reach users who share similar interests to users who have visited your website before.

As an example, imagine you own a business selling baby accessories to millennial customers and want to advertise on Google Ads.

By not using Lookalike Audiences, you decide to target users who have visited your baby carriages page.

The fact is that by using this remarketing technique, you will only be able to reach Internet users who have already visited your site, but not necessarily all Internet users likely to be interested in your products.

So, you will probably manage to get some conversions, but you will not exploit the full potential of your campaign.

In contrast to this situation, this time imagine that you are launching a campaign that uses lookalike audiences to target pre-qualified users to purchase your products.

If you were previously able to reach, say, 2,000 internet users with your remarketing lists alone, now you can reach ten times that with the use of Lookalike Audiences!

Understand how lookalike audiences work

We won't dwell too long on the fine details of how lookalike audiences work.

Basically, a cookie has been placed on the browser of people who have visited your website and this is what allows you to include them in your remarketing list.

It also makes it possible to collect information on the search habits and behaviors of these consumers, such as the search terms they use on Google.

By activating the similar audience function, Google Ads will take care of displaying your ads on the screens of consumers who have also already searched with the same expressions.

It's a bit like promoting your products and services to a clone of your target customer: they are much more likely to buy from you.

Remember, however, that your remarketing list must have reached 1000 users in order to use lookalike audiences.

While reading this article, you've probably noticed that we totally believe that Lookalike Audiences are more than beneficial for Google Ads campaigns.

We hope to have convinced you too and we wish you good advertising success! Feel free to send us your best marketing success stories.

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