All about trademark registration with the INPI

 The INPI (National Institute of Industrial Property) is an independent public body with which trademark registrations are made.

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It was created in 1951 to replace the National Office of Industrial Property. The INPI protects the ownership of trademarks, patents, models and designs.

Today, the INPI is under the supervision of the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Digital. It continues to develop increasingly innovative devices to protect industrial creation.

What are the missions of the INPI? How does this organization work? How do you file a trademark with the INPI?

The role and operation of the INPI

The INPI's role is to develop and deploy systems and policies aimed at protecting intellectual property as well as possible.

The latter is further subdivided into two main branches, namely:

  • industrial property;
  • and literary and artistic property.

Industrial property protects trademarks, trade names, inventions, etc.

That said, thousands of entrepreneurs and creators in France have used the services of the INPI since its creation.

In this regard, 4.5 million industrial property titles are registered in the INPI database. In addition, to effectively protect industrial property, the institute has decided to centralize the national register of commerce and companies.

In addition, the INPI implements awareness-raising actions on the importance of protecting industrial property.

It educates the public, and particularly economic and social actors, on the need to fight against falsification. It manages and issues trademark patents when their owners take the necessary steps to register them.

Each trademark is listed in a database which the public can access in real time. Entrepreneurs are called upon to consult this database before setting up a business.

Indeed, anyone who uses a brand name already in the database (to create a business in the same field) risks legal action for plagiarism.

The procedure to follow to file a trademark with the INPI

Before filing a trademark with the INPI, certain precautions must be taken. To do this, make sure that the brand:

  • is available, by consulting the INPI database,
  • has a distinctive name that sets it apart from its competitors,
  • is lawful, i.e. it respects public order,
  • respect good morals,
  • is clear and describable.

If you do not consult the INPI database, you can check the existence of a similar mark on search engines.

Then, if your trademark meets all the required conditions, you can compile its application file. The latter must include 5 copies of the INPI form to be downloaded from the organization's official website. You should also write wording introducing the products and services that your brand offers.

Once your file is complete, you must pay the required fees before sending it to the INPI electronically. It is recommended to be assisted by a lawyer specializing in industrial property law during the trademark registration process. This will allow you to follow the steps without making any mistakes.

Online trademark registration

From now on, the INPI offers its services only electronically.

Trademark registration applications, declarations of withdrawal, procedural exchanges, third-party observations and requests for rectification of errors can only be made online.

The INPI has set up a system to allow individuals and companies to file trademarks remotely, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The tool is easy to use and fast, thanks to its fluid and clear interface.

It consists of an online help space, with a tab allowing direct contact with the INPI service. With the online trademark filing system, you send all the necessary documents to the INPI in a few clicks.

Your royalties are automatically calculated and then displayed on the platform. Deposit fees are paid online in a secure area. You can at any time see the registration request and the attachments sent to the INPI.

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